Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fairytale E-mails

Wahooooo! My first idea for a story!
I read this really well-written book on storytelling by Margaret Read McDonald to parents on telling to their kids. She repeated a couple of the classics -- Goldilocks, the Gingerbeead Man. Then this morning while the alarm was on snooze, I was dozing while thinking that I would need to have the standards in my repertoire and how to make them my own.
Sooooo..... after that story... my idea -- I will pick a character and have them write a "letter" to me as Uncle Gleeby. These will be participation stories where I'll ask the audience to stop me if they know who sent me the letter. Then I'll ask if they want to hear the rest of the letter.
I think it will challenge the listeners and me. It will be fascinating to watch stories come from only ...
Gotta go to work. I'll flesh this out later...

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